Disclaimer - this work was heavily inspired from #insert blog link here when i find it!#, but i’ve also chosen to log HTTP request and response headers which is why I’m repeating it here.
Application Insights is a great tool out-of-the-box solution for APM (Application Performance Management) and diagnosing inter-system issues, when paired with the .NET framework.
The default dependency auto-collection does a good job of capturing the essential metadata to allow basic activity monitoring, but the HTTP auto-collection functionality doesn’t include capturing HTTP body and header information.
Fortunately, Application Insights offers extensibility with the classes implementing the ITelemetryInitializer interface.
First we want to create some custom middleware that reads the incoming and outgoing http request stream and converts it to a string, so we can log it later on-
/// <summary>
/// Intercepts and writes HTTP request body to <see cref="RequestTelemetry"/> as RequestBody custom property
/// </summary>
public class HttpRequestBodyLoggingMiddleware : IMiddleware
/// <inheritdoc />
public async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext context, RequestDelegate next)
var method = context.Request.Method;
// Only if we are dealing with POST or PUT, GET and others shouldn't have a body
if (context.Request.Body.CanRead && (method == HttpMethods.Post || method == HttpMethods.Put || method == HttpMethods.Patch))
// Ensure the request body can be read multiple times
// Leave stream open so next middleware can read it
using var reader = new StreamReader(
detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks: false,
bufferSize: 512, leaveOpen: true);
var requestBody = await reader.ReadToEndAsync();
// Reset stream position, so next middleware can read it
context.Request.Body.Position = 0;
// Write request body to App Insights
var requestTelemetry = context.Features.Get<RequestTelemetry>();
requestTelemetry?.Properties.Add("RequestBody", requestBody);
// Call next middleware in the pipeline
await next(context);
to simply create your own custom initializer, and register it with your configured dependency injection provider as follows:
public class HttpDependencyEnrichedTelemetryInitializer : ITelemetryInitializer
/// <inheritdoc />
public void Initialize(ITelemetry telemetry)
if (!(telemetry is DependencyTelemetry dependencyTelemetry) ||
!dependencyTelemetry.TryGetOperationDetail("HttpResponse", out var reponseObject)) return;
if (!dependencyTelemetry.TryGetOperationDetail("HttpRequest", out var requestObject)) return;
if (!(reponseObject is HttpResponseMessage response))
if (!(requestObject is HttpRequestMessage request))
foreach (var (key, value) in request.Headers)
dependencyTelemetry.Properties.Add($"RequestHeader-{key}", string.Join(", ", value));
foreach (var (key, value) in response.Headers)
dependencyTelemetry.Properties.Add($"ResponseHeader-{key}", string.Join(", ", value));
if (request.Content != null)
ExtractRequest(request, dependencyTelemetry);
if (response.Content != null)
ExtractResponse(response, dependencyTelemetry);
private static void ExtractRequest(HttpRequestMessage request, ISupportProperties dependencyTelemetry)
if (request.Content == null)
if (!(request.Content is StringContent)
&& !IsTextBasedContentType(request.Headers)
&& !IsTextBasedContentType(request.Content?.Headers))
var content = request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult();
dependencyTelemetry.Properties.Add("RequestContent", content);
private static void ExtractResponse(HttpResponseMessage response, ISupportProperties dependencyTelemetry)
if (response.Content == null)
foreach (var (key, value) in response.Content.Headers)
dependencyTelemetry.Properties.Add($"ContentHeader-{key}", string.Join(", ", value));
if (!(response.Content is StringContent)
&& !IsTextBasedContentType(response.Headers)
&& !IsTextBasedContentType(response.Content?.Headers))
var content = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult();
dependencyTelemetry.Properties.Add("ResponseContent", content);
private static bool IsTextBasedContentType(HttpHeaders headers)
if (headers == null)
return false;
if (!headers.TryGetValues("Content-Type", out var values))
return false;
var header = string.Join(" ", values).ToLowerInvariant();
var textBasedTypes = new[] { "html", "text", "xml", "json", "txt", "x-www-form-urlencoded" };
return textBasedTypes.Any(t => header.Contains(t));
Then register it with the DI container:
public class Startup
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddSingleton<ITelemetryInitializer, HttpDependencyEnrichedTelemetryInitializer>();
// other service configuration
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
// other application builder configuration